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The present Privacy Policy (“Policy”) explains the manner in which Kit Xenon Tuning S.R.L. (hereinafter called: ”KIT XENON TUNING”) collects, uses and manages the personal character data.
KIT XENON TUNING is committed to protecting and respecting the privacy of your personal data. Read this Policy carefully to understand why and how we collect data from you and how it will be used.
According to GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC), "personal data" means any information on an identified or identifiable individual ("the data subject"). An identifiable individual is a person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier element such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or one or more specific elements of his physical, physiological, genetic, psychic, economic, cultural or social identity.
There is no list of personal data, and GDPR does not require states to make such a list simply because a date can become personal in a given context, and in another context it is simply a information without value of personal data.
Here are some examples of personal data:
We collect your personal information when it is relevant to your consumer or business needs (eg when you buy and / or order products and / or services from us, when you register on our site, when you provide feedback on goods and services, when you subscribe to the newsletter, etc.).
We obtain personal information directly from you when ordering certain products or services or completing a specific form. Forms used by KIT XENON TUNING include fields such as name, e-mail address, mobile phone number, access password, product delivery address details, billing details, etc.
We collect personal data when you fill in and voluntarily send to KIT XENON TUNING the online forms on the Website pages. Forms filled in with personal information can not be sent to KIT XENON TUNING unless you voluntarily agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. Voluntary consent is done manually, by each individual user, by selecting the field assigned to the "I agree to receive emails" document within the form by the cursor or by touch (for touch screens).
Please note that these are just information about the possible ways to use your personal data that you can encounter by visiting KIT XENON TUNING websites and making a purchase from us.
We do NOT collect or otherwise process sensitive data included in the General Data Protection Regulation in special categories of personal data. We also do not want to collect or process data of minors under the age of 18.
We do not use your personal data for marketing purposes except with your prior consent. If you would like us to send details about our products, offers and promotions, you can subscribe to our newsletter, only in this way you will be able to be informed about the latest news.
We assure you that you will not receive unsolicited messages through automated calling and communication systems, by fax or e-mail or by any other method that uses public available electronic communications services if you have not previously granted express consent to receive such communications.
However, after you have expressed your consent to receive the messages, you will have the right to request termination of the electronic communication free of charge. In this regard, KIT XENON TUNING will provide links and e-mail addresses visible on its own pages and in the messaging media.
The purpose of collecting Personal Data is in accordance with the applicable legal provisions in force and implies:
You are not required to provide us your personal data, but your refusal will result in the failure to fulfill the purpose of personal data processing, and you will not be able to fully benefit from the services for which you have chosen to visit and use the Website. e.g.: the orders will not be processed / honored).
Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of personal data recognizes a number of 9 important rights (the operator is required to ensure compliance):
In order to protect your personal data from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss or alteration, and unauthorized access, KIT XENON TUNING uses highly complex technical and organizational security measures. Personal data completed and sent by you via online forms on the Website will be processed, stored and encrypted (in the case of access passwords) using web programming techniques, which may, but are not limited to: immunizing form fields through specific methods, compliance with the database connection security, installation of antivirus programs in the server operating system. Access to the database for maintenance works and / or modification of certain data is accomplished by password authentication only by administrators and / or employees designated by XENON TUNING KIT. Backups of the database will be done electronically, or on the local hard disk or cloud. The computer on which the local hard drive is located will be permanently in a locked room where only administrators and / or employees designated by XENON TUNING KIT will have access. Also, to maintain the security of personal data processing (especially against computer viruses), KIT XENON TUNING prohibits the use of local software from unauthorized sources and installs antivirus programs for preventing viruses corruption on local hard drives and if necessary for automatic cleaners. The administrators and / or employees assigned by KIT XENON TUNING are trained on the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of personal data as well as the risks involved in the processing of personal data. Personal information stored in the database will NOT be printed. KIT XENON TUNING guarantees the security and confidentiality of personal data hosted through its computer system.
In the case of payments made with the card (e.g. purchase of products), the sale is made through online payment solutions provided by authorized third parties in relation to KIT XENON TUNING. In order to eliminate the risk of unauthorized use and abuse by unauthorized persons, authorized third parties in relation to KIT XENON TUNING guarantee the legality and security of personal data (card number, expiration date, etc.) and the computer systems used.
KIT XENON TUNING uses its own and third party cookies to collect personal data for the following purposes:
KIT XENON TUNING uses Cookies per session (temporary) and permanent. The first type, the temporary ones, remain on the User's disk until the end of the session or until the application / browser closes. Permanent files remain on the User's disk even after closing the browser for a variable period of time depending on the parameters of each Cookie or until it is deleted by the User in the browser settings. The cookies used on this Website do not store personal information and do not personally identify Internet users.
Data collected through Cookies will only be used to improve the User interaction experience with KIT XENON TUNING in the online environment. Settings for accepting and / or deleting cookies can be operated in the User's browser. However, limiting the use of Cookies may affect the interaction with the pages of this Website.
We will keep your personal data as long as we need it and exclusively for the purpose for which it is processed, and then we will take the necessary steps to permanently delete it.
We will actively review our personal data and we will safely delete it or, in some cases, we will anonymize it when there is no legal need.
Please check each time you use our Website the Privacy Policy and the Terms & Conditions Section to keep up-to-date with them.
By reading this information note you are aware of the personal data to be collected and processed by KIT XENON TUNING and you understand that these data are critical elements for accessing the products and services offered by KIT XENON TUNING as well as for carrying out our commercial activity.
Any referral about a possible violation of privacy, please send it by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt (A.R.) to the address from:
in Bucharest, District 3, 300 Calea Calarasilor,
Building S20, Entrance 2, 8th Floor, Apt. 66
or by email at the following address:
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